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Italians gesture more than Swedes: between myth and reality!

In the framework of “ResearchNet“, a series of conferences dedicated to the Italian researchers in Sweden, Maria Graziano presents “Italians gesture more than Swedes: between myth and reality!”. 

It is a popular belief that there are cultural differences in the type and the amount of gestures that people do when they speak. For example, Italians are proverbially known for gesturing a lot. In contrast, Swedes are described as being less prone to use bodily movements.

On the occasion of the XIX ed. of Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo (October 21-27, 2019) – this year dedicated to “The Italian language on the stage” –  Maria Graziano presents her recent work on the comparison of gestural behavior in Italian and Swedish speakers, showing some examples with empirical data and discuss the differences that emerge from her analysis.

Maria Graziano is currently a researcher at the Humanities Lab at Lund University (Sweden). Prior to this, she was a postdoc at the University of Alberta (Canada), that she joined after receiving a double PhD in Linguistics from SESA (European School of Advanced Studies) at the University “Suor Orsola Benincasa” (Napoli-Italy) and Université Stendhal (Grenoble-France).

The conference will be held in English

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  • Organizzato da: Istituto Italiano di Cultura